Jugger – A post-apocalyptic sports for all occasions
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Dies ist die neu gesetzte, aktualisierte und überarbeitete Übersetzung ins Englische des ersten Jugger-Buches. Sie steht nun zum kostenlosen Download zur Verfügung.
This is the first, and updated, translation of world's first ever book on Jugger. You are welcome to download it for free!
This is the first, and updated, translation of world's first ever book on Jugger. You are welcome to download it for free!
You are also very much welcome to watch my Uhus Jugger Tutorials YouTube series, where I show some basics about Jugger spars making, basic duelling techniques, shield and chain play, and share my thoughts and experiences about Jugger rules and history.
Jugger. A post-apocalyptic sport for all occasions, 4c, Ill., Morrisville 2008, Uhus Nest 2011, 2017
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