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Fuel Rat Decal as PVC badge

02 Grafik, Design, Illustration06 Uhus Spielekiste Rattatoon style Fuel Rats decalNice one: I just heard that the design I made as a decal/logo for the Fuel Rat player group in the visionary Sci-Fi game Elite: Dangerous will now be produced as 4'' PVC badges, and will also be taken to Lavecon by fellow Rats.

This is one of those nice things that refuel the energy cells for everyday work.

#Schweden: Günstigere Weihnachtsbriefmarken

Am Rande: In Schweden gibt es spezielle "Julfrimärken", Weihnachtsbriefmarken also. Soweit nichts Ungewöhnliches – gäbe es für so frankierte Briefe nicht auch eigene Postkästen, die nur in der Vorweihnachtszeit aufgestellt werden. Zudem sind die Briefmarken eine Krone günstiger als herkömmliche Briefmarken, 6 statt 7 Kronen (etwa 74 Cent) nämlich. Gültig sind die Briefmarken aber nur bis etwa eine Woche vor dem Fest, damit die Weihnachtspost auch ankommt.
Julfrimärken. Design © Postnord, H. Wiberg / E. Nilsson

Drew Wagar's free Oolite SciFi saga

01Literarisches: Bücher et al.

1984: A space game revolutionises the perception of computer games. Elite by Bell and Braben offered near-complete freedom for players of the old BBC micro computers; one of the early wonders of programming, considering the nearly non-existent storage space and processing speed of the time. Whether one wanted to be a space trader, a scavenger or a ruthless fighter -- it was up to the player which role to choose, in a setting that contained eight different universes (charts) with hundrets of star systems each. Many years later, this legend sparked the development of a free offspring: "Oolite" is a recreation of the old Elite game, with fans still contributing new mods and extensions to the game.

Just as free as Oolite is the "Oolite saga" series, four novels written by Drew Wagar, available on his website for download as PDF. And just to have said it: It is a very entertaining, fast-paced action full of tension and interesting turns, a read all worth it! Grab it and read it.

TThe Oolite Sagahe synopsis is quickly told: A hot headed trader girl meets a desperate scientist on the run who accidentially discovered a superior weapon of mass destruction. As mysterious murders start to occur, both get entangled in the intrigues and plans of galaxy-wide GalCop, and they are hunted by far superior powers. The Aliens of Elite, so called Thargoids, are at first more or less background flavour until they become the centre of all the action.

All in all, the series is staged as a classic space opera. And even though the Elite game offered only scarce variety in technical terms, Drew, inspired by the "Dark Wheel" short story accompanying the original game, manages brilliantly to conjure a true and complex SciFi feeling. With a focus on the characters -- always a good thing in my view -- the story unfolds, gains constantly in speed, and offers nice turns, secrets and intelligent solutions. As Drew wrote himself in the epilogue, the constellation of characters is quite typical. We have the hot-headed girl, a reckless flyer and, as it is, excellent combat pilot, who sports a very resolute self-esteem and no fear to express it if something doesn't go her way; the scientist, called "Harmless" by her, to whom she fancies quite a complicated relation: After he saved her from death in space, she accidentially nearly clubbed him to death, and although she feels sorry for that little misunderstanding, she is unnerved, if not enraged by his more cool-headed approach on problems. And of course there are the near-almighty counterparts that have to be defeated. The way of characterising the girl reminds of Ensign Holland in Donaldson's Gap series, though very opposite in her character.

Drew Wagar's Oolite Saga is a living example that free e-books can absolutely hold out on their own compared with books published by a publishing house. From a reader's standpoint, not only the Sci Fi fan gets hours of free excellent entertainment. From a professional view, the book is both very well proof-read, well formatted, and most of all the story is craft-wise very well told. From both views, Drews close contact with the fans of Oolite during the creation of the saga, listening to their suggestions, including their works on the timeline of events and in-game history is a great bonus. So if you didn't consider it already -- give it a go! If you like some relaxing space opera stuff, you certainly will not be disappointed.

And last, Drew Wagar got what he very well earned: He is the author of the official Elite: Dangerous novels, Reclamation and the upcoming Premonition. Those are to buy, but I am certain they are absolutely worth their money. Drew even reacts to developments in the Elite: Dangerous game universe, like including Fuel Rats, and seems to be heavily involved in in-game riddle and mystic stuff creation ... So, Drew has shown for free that he is in it with all his heart. Bit of a writer's dream there, really. Congratulations!

[⇒ PDFs of the four sequels]

Oh and if you are playing Elite: Dangerous, you may have encounters that are coming very close to highlights in written adventures ... breathtaking indeed. And those are not just the scripted ones, but offered by the game mechanics of this unique game ... for example when you get too close to a White Dwarf.

Jugger-Roman Operation Schädeljäger

01Literarisches: Bücher et al. 05 Jugger

[Download der Leseprobe]
[Webseite: Stand der Dinge des Projekts]

OLeseprobe Schädeljäger (PDF)peration Schädeljäger : Ein Roman über Jäger und Gejagte, Hatzen durch Berlin über und unter der Erde, hinein in ein geheimnisumwittertes Bunkersystem. Und vor allem über eine einzigartige Sportart – Wofür sie zumindest auf der Oberfläche gehalten wird. Ein Jugger-Roman auch für Nichtjuggerererererer.

So sieht er zusammengefasst aus, der Inhalt des Jugger-Romanprojekts vom Uhu. Hier kommt erstmal eine Leseprobe aus der laufenden Arbeit – viel Vergnügen!

Thread im Jugger-Forum ⇒ hier.Für den zweiten Abschnitt bitte ich um etwas Geduld.

Operation Schädeljäger

Grafik: uhu Photo Iro: Kicki Nilsson / Järnboås IF, Järnboås bygdegårdsföreningen Font: PBio, Gregor Adams (@pixelass)

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The new president of the USA

Keep cool. Not that long ago, US-Amerika had elected a "reborn" ex-alcoholic who waged wars which boosted crisis in parts of the world to blast furnaces – which keep going and spreading until today. A person who, together with his junta, tried to make torture (please imagine a moment what that means) a legitimate and moral tool in "western democracies". Who imprisoned people without charge like one is forbidden to keep cattle, some of whom are under lock and key for over ten years now. There is hardly something worse to happen. And the alternative today was probably not that much better.

It is just a shame that this must happen after the election of such a hope-inspiring positive figure like Obama. Oh, USA.